Just Do It! Go from R Markdown to R Notebooks

In the world of early adopters and late adopters… I’m a bit of both (probably like you). For personal things, I go a bit slow – I figure let others work out the bugs. For professional things, I’m into moving with the times – so in other words moving quickly.
I’ve been slow to check out R Notebooks because it wasn’t clear to me if there was much advantage and adopting a new system almost always leads to some issues.

I can heartily recommend R Notebooks to my R markdown-using readers of this blog

I’m happy to write that I can heartily recommend R Notebooks to my R markdown-using readers of this blog. The transition time/energy/effort is almost zero (yup, really!) and the R Notebooks provide some significant advantages – mostly that there is a “preview” stored of your document, so that you don’t have to knit everything every time to see results. This is much more Jupyter-like. Now… if only R Notebooks would implement the (Jupyter) paradigm that everything is a cell so that I can independently run “markdown cells”… just like in Jupyter. But we can only hope that this will be future update…

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